SWFL Health: Benefits to Just STOP and BREATHE

Picture of Nate Gindele
Nate Gindele
Owner, Chiropractor


1. Strengthens your immune system
By providing more oxygen to travel through the bloodstream, you are enriching the body, allowing it to metabolize vital nutrients and vitamins.

2. Improves posture
When sitting in a good breathing posture, while taking long, deep breathes, the body is going to naturally sit in a positive posture. With repetition and regular breathing exercises you will support an improved posture.

3. Improves the nervous system
The brain, spinal cord and nerves receive more nourishment through the increased oxygenation. This improves the health of the whole body, since , as Chiro patients we KNOW the nervous system communicates to all parts of the body.

4. Makes the heart and lungs stronger
Helping to prevent respiratory problems, deep breathing exercises the lungs, making them stronger. Also supporting the hearts work by improving lung function, in turn increasing oxygenation, so the heart doesn’t have to work as hard to deliver the oxygen throughout the body PLUS deep breathing leads to a greater pressure differential in the lungs, which leads to an increase in the circulation, therefore allowing the heart to rest a little.

5. Improves cellular regeneration
As good breathing Improves Cellular Regeneration, the ageing process slows down.

6. Effects mood, anxiety, depression
Oxygenation of the brain reducing excessive anxiety levels. When you are tense, angry, scared or stressed, your muscles get tight and your body can’t relax and holds onto that emotions. Emotions flow on the breath: shallow, tight breathes when anxious, deep belly breathing when you are laughing or crying. With deep breathing you can affect your emotions, because your body increases pleasure-inducing neurochemicals in the brain and elevate moods.

7. Relieves pain
There is a strong connection between thinking, feeling and experiencing. What happens to your breathing when you anticipate pain? You probably hold your breath. Yet studies show that breathing into your pain helps to ease it. Breathing techniques are often used during labor and other times of anticipated pain, so remember that if in emergent or chronic pains as well.

8. Detoxifies
Your body is designed to release 70% of its toxins through breathing. If you are not breathing effectively, you are not properly ridding your body of its toxins i.e. other systems in your body must work overtime which could eventually lead to illness. When you exhale air from your body you release carbon dioxide that has been passed through from your bloodstream into your lungs. Carbon dioxide is a natural waste of your body’s metabolism.

9. Relaxes
Paying attention to your breathing. Breathe slowly, deeply and purposefully into your body. Notice any places that are tight and breathe into them. As you relax your body, you may find that the breathing brings clarity and insights to you as well.

How to incorporate deep breathing into your daily life:

Prioritize it.
The first thing a baby does when it’s born is to take its first breath – breathing is that essential to health and living!
We could survive for a few weeks without food, for a few days without water, but deprive us of air for only a couple of minutes and… well, I’m sure you got the picture.

Breathing exercises should be deep, slow, rhythmic, and through the nose, not through the mouth. The most important parts of deep breathing has to be regulating your breaths three to four seconds in, and three to four seconds out.

1. Inhale through your nose, expanding your belly, then fill your chest. Counting to 5
2. Hold and Count to 3. Feel all your cells filled with golden, healing, balancing Sun light energy.
3. Exhale fully from slightly parted mouth and Feel all your cells releasing waste and emptying all old energy. Counting to 5.

Schedule your deep breathing exercise just as you would schedule important business appointments. Set aside a minimum of two 10 minute segments of time everyday although you can begin with two five minutes segments if you prefer

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