If you’re training for an athletic event, prehab and rehab chiropractic treatment can play a vital role in your physical performance and long-term healing.
A lot of people automatically think chiropractors mostly see auto accident patients. But the reality is that we can help patients in all seasons of life. We help the healthy ones continue functioning at their peak performance, and we help the injured ones in recovering and alleviating their pain.
We can also help people both before and after events that put major stress on their body — think competing in a triathlon. If you know these events are coming up, conditioning your body beforehand through exercise and chiropractic adjustments can help your performance and recovery. Afterwards, recovery and healing are supported through physical therapy and different forms of exercise and adjustments.
Contact our team to make an appointment, verify insurance or ask any care-related questions
Don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about how chiropractic care can help you achieve your health goals.